


Radio Nippon presents, gSugahara Akikofs EDGE TALKh
Guest is Mr. Tomabechi Hideto

Tonight we continue to make a talk with Mr. Tomavechi Hideto, the author of gThe skills of brainwashing to make the other fall in love in a momenth. We heard very interesting talks. Then about the contents of your book at page 75, it is said gTomabechifs eyes scaring Aum the best, what does this phrase mean?

The Aumfs logic said that Tomabechi was the Devil of Hell and taught devotees that they must have not look into his eyes because they would brainwash and drag into Hell as soon as people looked at his eyes.

Were all of the devotees taught like that?

All of the executives are taught so at least and some devotees were told so directly. They were told not to my eyes, or they would be brainwashed. And they were taught that I would brainwash them remotely if I would have known their face photos or address.

Were they scared of you so much? You were the Devil, werenft you?

I would really do like what they said.

Then about the method, this skill glook at eyesh is actually the same as the skill of love, isnft it?

I guess that people usually use this skill unconsciously in love. The most basic skill is that you can feel comfortable and happy when you look into the otherfs eyes, and unconsciousness will be conveyed to him/her. If you see the face of the one you truly love, Ifm sure that you must be happy. Then the emotion like that will be absolutely aroused. I think that they actually do this in love usually. But they need trainings to do this in shorter time and more effectively.

These concrete sentences are interesting. Is the situation ideal where they donft know which points they should look even if they are now looking at my eyes or my face and is the method to make the other fall in love in a moment?

Yes. Actually it means that you look between the eyes.

Is it this part?

If you look at either of right or left eye, I think that probably you look at right eye first and left eye next. Then your eyes will move. The situation where your eyes move means that you are in anxiety. If you are anxious, you wonft give the other the ease. And when you look at one eye, the other can know where you look clearly. It means that they see the physical space. We must let them see the information space. So you must look between your eyes and make your focus obscure.

I often see actresses who fascinate with the eyes in a moment. They are so attractive. And I hear that a person make his/her focus clear is acrid and tenses the other. Such a person wonft be popular, will he/she?

Yes. It is bad to put their focus in the physical space. They must put their focus in the information space.

You mean that the easy method is not to look at eyes but between the eyes.

Between the eyes. And you move the focal distance back and force, change it intentionally.

Is it the other method?

If you do it actually, not only that but the otherfs eyes will start to move from side to side. The up and down movement of the focal distance is, I donft know why but, changed to the right and left movement in the otherfs brain.

Is it in the brain of the one who are looked?

Yes, it is. And the electrical signals of the latter movement affect the information processing of hippocampus so that the one who is looking will be implanted at the level of memory.

Is an image of the other implanted?

Yes, it is.

Then when you looked at devotees of Aum, first looking at the middle of the eyebrows and second moving the focal distance, did you use this skill?

No, I didnft. When I dealt with them, I used much stronger skills which I canft write in the book.

Canft you write it because you didnft use it?

No, I didnft. but the skills in my book are useful at the level of love for ordinary people because the proper use of these skills affects the hippocampus. Whoever the women have their own an ideal type of men in their territory of memory. So it is enough to interchange the type in their memory and the onefs face reflected in their eyes. Do you know gdeja-vuh? gI have experienced thish. It is not an actual experience but the brain confuses information from the memory with current experience. It is the an error in the information processing of hippocampus. I mean that they cause it intentionally. It is enough to replace my face reflected in the eyes with the ideal vision of the opposite sex in memory of the other. We can cause the mistake of information processing likely to do that and the movement of eyeballs.

Then the really true skills are still in secret, arenft they?

Yes. I canft tell you them so easily.
If you tell us them, do they have strong effencts??

Of course I sometimes tell a part of them to student coming to my class in certain cases.

After all immature people must not use them.

Not immature but people who mean to use the skills for themselves must not use them.

For people who contributory to society.

Please use them if you do it for the society. There are various mechanisms in the brain. For example, in the amygdala which presides the fear there are cells which recognize snake if the owner is a mammal. So there is a question in some TV programs of monkey repulsion, ghow should we do if monkeys pounce on us?? h They pounce us when we look at their eyes and they donft care at all if we shout but they run away like a rabbit. Because the amygdala is designed that they recognize a wriggled, long and limp object to be a snake. It is programmed in the gene. Human beings has programs like that, too. And there are many methods to work on genes. we have been analyzing them scientifically and have classified into repertoires. And we have revealed what we can reveal and have sealed what must be unrevealed. The music is similar to that. Some music make us feel the world of Gods genetically, which are religious music. In reverse India has the mantras cause truly fear. And now such repoertoires has been studied for thousands yeas. I guess some people may get such knowledge accidentally and others has a talent so that, for example, he/she learns somehow during studying how to use images or others has a sense so that he/she successes in the way of using expressions of face in conversations.

Radio Nippon presents, gSugahara Akikofs EDGE TALKh
Guest is Mr. Tomabechi Hideto

For whoever regard themselves as not liked, if they study and practice this skill and use it, namely, to look between the eyes and to move their focal distance, it sounds easy, but is it much more possibly to get liked more than ever by keeping the use of this skill??

Yes. It is surely that there gets many rapport so that they get very popular with the opposite sexes, that they make friends with the same sexes and that they give a sense of security in business. So it is different how the talk goes from the beginning?: there is difference between hostile relations and amicable relations. I guess what you said is much effective.

You have published many left-brain-like books. But this book is the very direct key that we can masterwith training. Were there any changes of mind??

Rather than changes of mind, I have always thought that I have to reveal them since the events by Aum. It is dangerous that only the vice side knows skills which affect peoplefs mind strongly or control in certain cases like the event in which results of the project MKULTRA or other events and that ordinary people donft know them, isnft it?? If peole has knowledge, they can notice that others work something on them. I thought that I have to familialize the skills to defend by themselves. Conversely speaking, there is a risk that the skills are abused. Too concrete methods werenft revealed in the period of gthe brainwashing orinciplesh or for about 2000 years. And people know that there were such risks and skills or less. But I say in gthe brainwashing principlesh that 21st century would become the period when ordinary businessmen use such skills. And now it is actually being fulfilled. They go to further education schools or some institutes. Then in such period, I thought that it is not bad to reveal effective methods which can also be used to defense gradually.

In such meaning, the eyes are organs directly linked to the brain and in addition, the parts linked with patterns of thinking are different like the look up and down in your book. The eyes go up when we remember the past.

Yes, they do. When you remember about breakfast in the morning, they are sure to do that. If you remember it now, your eyes are sure to do that.

Conversely speaking, when you consider, answering with the use of frontal lobe, the eyes go down. And are there any meanings when our eyes go the upper left?

It is different between the right-handed and the left-handed. Looking at the upper right or left means that you access the same memories and information but there are differences. It isnft necessarily said comprehensively but detailed analysis tells us almost all of meanings.

For example, are there any methods when we try to make our dream come true with good image of the future like looking up or something?

Yes. I can say that it is one of the methods. However it is not only to look up but also to let your eyes move.

Letting our eyes move right and left, we should look up.

Yes. Look up and left.

By looking up, right and left, the image of the dream will dive into our subconscious.

It will have more reality.

Is it likely?

Yes, it is.

Will it happen?

Yes, it will.

Anyone can train the movement of eyes for 24 hours, canft he/she? Like on the train alone. It is very effective because we can train whenever we want to. I think it is probably outstanding especially for current Japan that the thought of all people have got typical like the metal fatigue too much long time after the War and that the education, the family and the society have tendency telling people not to swerve from that type and are obstinate, without adventurous spirits and donft create prominences much more than the past. In the 20fs and 30fs everything was destroyed and people had no fear. They turned to bay like gdonft care because there is nothingh. They had the strength like that and they did what they wanted to. Those who would succeed succeeded and could have a dream. They showed us that they had lived in such period, many people follow them and the education was freer than what it is now. But now such things donft happen and wefre in the blockage. We must break it, or Japanese will be the unhappiest all over the world. Many people have grown without recognition that the one be more excellent person and it sometimes got the cause of domestic violence. I heard that you started new education to break it and create the new type of people.

Yes, I did. I have the plan called TPI for adults and PX for youth. I mean gwant toh. gdo what you want to do. But be responsible for yourselfh. They can do anything. There is nothing that you must not do. But have self-responsibility. In other words, they must not do what they canft be responsible. For example, no murder because we canft revive victims. So it is presupposed that you can be responsible. You can pass your own life under your self-responsibility. After all those who can get responsible for what they do can do anything. I guess that there are some reasons. In Japan, after the rapid economic growth and economy had settled, the consciousness of equal would mount. Then, for example, if a boy wanted to be a guitarist or a photographer, his parents would oppose it because he would have gno foodh. Before that they must define git doesnft nourishh. Now Ifm in a project for the hunger in Zimbabwe with a Zimbabwean priest. Their gno eath means how they prevent themselves from starving the next day. It is the primary meaning of gno foodh. Now a billion in 60 billion people are in such situation. But it has a different meaning in Japan. The average annual income was 4.6 million yen last year in Japan and this year it will fall down that. Or the mother canft be proud of what her son id doing when she eats lunch in a hotel with other wives. The meaning is quite different, isnft it? Now foreigners can buy eat in convenience stores in Japan. Furthermore it is impossible for those who have Japanese nationality and completed the compulsory education not be able to eat. But they get rid of the situation with the words, gno foodh. It is just a common illusion in the society. At first we have to break it. Say just, gyou can eath. So you can do anything with self-responsibility. Yesterday I remembered a matter when I was talking with other acquaintances. I am friendly with the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis of other days. And he had been a top of the anti-National Student Federation during the term of chief. He said to me, gwe did to muchh remembering the old days. At that time, students were discontented like gthe Dream of Berkleyh or gthe Strawberry Statementh and caused student movements charging blocks. It was not bad. But it was caused by Japanese students who were not adults yet, wasnft it? It was a scale in which students rampaged with blocks and they shot riot gas as if armies had been sent. Just as if the mobilization of forces. And my friend worked because he didnft want to do but of the order by his boss. Looking back, those students were people of the baby-boom generation and had been thoroughly drilled that if they took action independently, the power of the state would suppress it and only to be in vain after all. It was a mistake. And more, now their children are advancing to the center of society. It holds a risk. I think that we have to change the baby-boom generations and their children drastically and concretely because people of the former generation now have such culture and decision and people of the latter will shoulder the next generation of society. It is necessary to tell again these two generation, git is not so. You can do what you want to do under your self-responsibilityh.

Radio Nippon presents, gSugahara Akikofs EDGE TALKh
Guest is Mr. Tomabechi Hideto

Few people can teach it remarkably.

The generation before the baby-boom generation has already been dead or is off the generation. In reverse the generation after that has many people of that generation as bosses. Now they are in the competitive society which has the system of subtraction. In the system where they can survive without doing anything nor subtraction, if someone does something and stands out, he/she will be attacked. So anyway they do nothing to keep stabilization. If someone gets out of it, bosses will attack him/her. They are so-called a gdream killerh. They say, gyou must not be able to do such thingsh. Now such people stay in the center of society and their children regard it as natural and grow. So few people can be leaders.

Now the talk has got in a large scale. Has it taken for tens years to arrange and to organize your knowledge about from science to pathos?

I donft know but it has passed for tens years since I became a scholar in the graduate school. Then it was tens years ago. In my case, I skipped grades. I went to the university when I was at the age of junior high school in Japan just for mathematics. In this meanings, I started to receive education in the university in 1973 so that it is much long years. I have been in the world of scholars for 30 or about 40 years. I was studying not in Japan but in the USA, so I have studied all scholarship synthetically either science or literature for a long time. I think the knowledge which I have acquire is enormous and I have never stopped thinking. The brain of human beings will useless soon without thinking. Almost all office workers, I say in my book, gwill be an undistinguished person in 3 yearsh. If they were said to be a genius in the university, they copy and make tea for the first one year after employment, and to be foolish. Almost all people are made do so and people who passed like that for tens years are now presidents in the Federation of Economic Organizations. So they are called ggroups of foolsh. They object that we are impolite but it is natural for us when we think about the generation of ordinary office workers, isnft it? It has passed tens years since they stopped studying and using their brain. But it doesnft refer to me because I have been using my brain for tens years. The mount of acquisition is huge and I read books much faster than others. So it is natural for me.

In the current tendency, that level of knowledge and books like yours are being accepted. I guess it means that Japanese people are changing from younger generations. In the world of such recognition, I think that they could not understand it if they read it several years ago. New generations of which people can understand it, not as far as a mutant, is now increasing.

I think so. Of course I devise how to write. I donft write my books not like dissertation of the past. And I mean to write really the newest contents which scientists of the world can argue against. But I devise. However as you said, especially 20s-year-old people are probably much better as a human than others.

In the meanings, I had never thought that this book is accepted as a such form which was very difficult for me. So I am very surprised at it. I think that Japanese suitable for 21th century and Japan are very important. I feel that it is getting a period when people of the next generation learn the system in which they get truly happy coexisting with others. Ifm so glad to feel it.

I think that it has already been.

Thank you for talking about such book. Please listen to us next week.